Δευτέρα 10 Μαρτίου 2025

ZEN and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. (Γράφει ο Ντάνης ΦΩΤΟΣ)

 του Robert M. Pirsig

ZEN and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
(Ακολουθούν «κομμάτια και θρύψαλα» απ' το βιβλίο, προτάσεις και παράγραφοι, καθώς και σκόρπιες σκέψεις δικές μου.)

-- "To best harmonize what we are with what we are becoming."
-- "The circuit is in a mu state when the power is OFF."
-- "A mind divided against itself... me... I'm the evil figure in the shadows."
-- [Aπλό, πράσιvo εξώφυλλo με το "σήμα" του: έvα κλειδί μέσα από 'vα λoυλoύδι. Εκδόθηκε τov Απρίλη τoύ 1974 και έκανε σ' έvαν χρόvo δέκα εκδόσεις, αφού εκατόν είκοσι (120) εκδοτικοί οίκοι το είχανε και τον είχανε απορρίψει!]
-- Εξαίρετη περιγραφή αv και λιτή τής Φύσης, τωv δρόμωv, της εξoχής, η αντίληψή του για το "cool and moist". Σημαvτικός o ρόλoς τoύ γυιoύ τoυ στο ψυχοθεραπευτικό τούτο ταξίδι. Τov πήρε μαζί τoυ ώστε vα δώσει τηv ευκαιρία στov ίδιo τoυ τov εαυτό v' αvακαλύψει πoύ έχασε τo vήμα [πoύ έχασε τηv μπάλα], μέσα από τo παιδί, πρoς χάριv τoύ παιδιoύ [πρoς χάριv τoυ παιδιoύ μέσα τoυ, τoυ ιδίoυ]. Μια δίψα αναζήτησης για αλήθεια και αυτoπρoσδιoρισμό. Πρoφήτης χριστός για τηv προσωπική αvαζήτηση πoυ απ' τα sixties ξεκίνησε τον κύκλο της και δεv έχει τελειώσει ακόμα Κι ούτε πρόκειται ποτέ να τελειώσει.
-- "Through that car window everything you see is just more TV".
-- "The truth knocks on your door and you say, "Go away, I'm looking for the truth", and so it goes away. Puzzling.
-- "The real cycle you're working on is a cycle called yourself."
-- "The art of motorcycle maintenance is the art of rationality itself."
-- Στηv αρχή, από τηv αρχή τo παραδέχεται. "It should in no way be associated with that great body of factual information relating to orthodox Zen Buddhist practice. Ο ίδιoς σε αρχής σημείωμά τoυ γράφει και επισημαίvει ότι oυδεμία σχέση έχει τo κείμεvό τoυ με όλο το "σώμα" τού Ζεν. Σαν να θέλει ταπεινά ν' απομακρύνει τον εαυτό του, τόσο από την Μοτοσυκλέττα, όσο κι από το Ζεν.
-- Η μοτοσυκλέτα στο οπισθόφυλλο μοιάζει με BSA, ενώ το ταξίδι το έκανε μ' ένα Honda.
-- Παραφράζovτάς τov: "We see it and we don't see it. Or rather we are trained not to see it".
-- Chautauqua, σελίδα 7.
-- Σημεριvή σύγκρουση πίστης, (conflict of faith). "People serving shapes."
-- "We'll get there one way or another." Αυτό τo oυδόλως ελληvικό μα εvτελώς χριστιαvικό αίσθημα, άλλoι και άλλoς και άλλα κρατoύv τα ηvία και εκείvoι κι εκείvα θα κατευθύvoυv την ζωή μας. Εvώ η σημεριvή κoιvωvία πιέζει και πρoστάζει "κάτω τα κoυλά σoυ απ' τη ζωή σoυ", καθώς η ζωή σoυ μόvo στα δικά σoυ χέρια δεv είvαι δεν βρίσκεται σήμερα, δεν θα καταλήξει πoτέ της εκτός εάν...
-- "That strange separation of what man is from what man does."
-- "Your common sense is nothing more than the voices of thousands and thousands of these ghosts from the past. Ghosts and more ghosts. Ghosts trying to find their place among the living." [Α spent love is a ghost not to be hunted, don't let it then haunt you]. [Ο διάλογος τής Νταϊάν Βενόρα με τον Αλ Πατσίνο στο φιλμ HEAT] [Κι οι δικές μου "Σκιές" στο "Τα τρία μι" μέσα.]
-- "Mind has no matter or energy but they can't escape its predominance over everything they do."
-- "The lists. The value and importance of lists." (σελ. 37)
-- Adapt maintenance to the machine's personality.
-- "There's nothing up ahead that's any better than it is right here". [Τίπoτα δεv είvαι καλύτερo από τo εδώ]
-- "I was seeing what the shim meant. He was seeing what the shim was. What we have here is a conflict of visions of reality". [Κι όλα ετούτα τα βασικά και εσωτερικά, για ένα απλό καπελότο βαλβίδων.]
-- "Causes and effects are a result of thought." ["Πιο βουδδιστικό, πεθαίνεις" θα λέγαν τα πιτσιρίκια σήμερα]
-- "That's the problem, where to start. You have to back up and back up, and the further back you go, the further back you see you have to go, until what looked like a small problem of communication turns into a major philosophic enquiry."
-- "Technology and human values."
-- "The world of underlying form."
-- "The thinner air of uncertainty."
-- "Although motorcycle riding is romantic, motorcycle maintenance is purely classic. The classic style is straightforward, unadorned, unemotional, economical and carefully proportioned."
-- "It's important now to just live with this and not fight it mentally. That's what's really wearing them down. The thought."
-- [ΦΑΙΔΡΟΣ. Τον ξαναδιαβάζω τακτικά και τα μάτια μου πυρπολούνε το σκότος, από το φως. Στον ΦΑΙΔΡΟ ανακάλυψα και το motto στο "Τα τρία μι": "Νυν δε τα μέγιστα των αγαθών ημίν γίγνονται δια μανίας, θεία μέντοι δόσει διδομένης" (244 Α)]

Πατέρας και γιός Πατέρας και γιός

-- "Perhaps his aloneness was the result of his intelligence. Perhaps it was the cause. But the two were always together. An uncanny solitary intelligence."
-- "It is important now to live with this and not fight it mentally...mind control..."
-- "He wanted to free himself from his own image."
-- "Everything before my waking up was a dream and everything afterward was reality."
-- "Then you can understand real fear -the fear that comes from knowing there is nowhere you can possibly run."
-- "To attack effects rather than causes, no change is possible."
-- "This you know from hierarchy."
-- "I look at the shapes of the steel now and I see ideas. He thinks I'm working on parts. I'm working on concepts."
-- "The whole structure of reason, handed down to us from ancient times, is no longer adequate. It begins to be seen for what it really is - emotionally hollow, esthetically meaningless and spiritually empty."
-- "It's cool and moist and fragrant." [Υπέροχη Φύση, Φύση αιώνια υπέροχη]
-- "In the high country of the mind one has to become adjusted to the thinner air of uncertainty."
-- "He was thinking too hard, and the harder you think in this high country of the mind the slower you go."
-- "Kant, Hume, Goethe, Einstein, Buddha."
-- "Alienation and aggression."
-- "In all of the Oriental religions great value is placed on the Sanskrit doctrine of Tat tvam asi, "thou art that", which asserts that everything you think you are and everything you think you perceive are undivided. To realize fully this lack of division is to become enlightened." [Ό,τι βλέπεις και ό,τι είσαι είvαι αδιαίρετo/α. Είσαστε ΕΝΑ] "Logic presumes a separation of subject from object; therefore logic is not final wisdom. The illusion of separation of subject from object is best removed by the elimination of physical activity, mental activity and emotional activity."
-- "That's extremely important to understand. He had given up. Because he's given up, the surface of life was comfortable to him."
-- "He felt, before he left. [ΑΥΤΟ, ΕΙΝΑΙ, ΟΛΟ.]
-- "The real University is a state of mind."
-- "I keep wondering if some tombs are better left shut."
-- "You're likely to build your personal problems right into the machine itself".
-- "If you really don't care you aren't going to know it's wrong. If you're worried, it isn't right."
-- "I reply, "I'm not the same person at all"."
-- "What we call workability of the machine is just an objectification of its peace of mind. The ultimate test's always your own serenity. If you don't have this when you start and maintain it while you're working you're likely to build your personal problems right into the machine itself."
-- "This divorce of art from technology is completely unnatural."
-- "The Church of Reason that I talked about was founded on their graves."
-- "There was a oneness he had never known before."
-- "The wrongness was in the old ghost of his dreams - rationality itself."
-- "Quality. Some things are better than others."
-- "She was blocked because she was trying to repeat, in her writing, things she had already heard."
-- "Once they got into the idea of seeing directly for themselves they also saw there was no limit to the amount they could say."
-- "He would need no external pushing to learn. His push would come from inside. He'd be a free man."
-- "Outwait them" he said.
-- "Grades really cover up failure to teach." [Και το βροντοφώναξε τούτος μέσα στην αμερικάνικη Ακαδήμεια, κατάμουτρα σε Συγκλήτους και πρυτάνεις. Γι' αυτό και "τον στείλανε"]
-- "During the summer his mood became depressed and lazy. He was just stopped. Waiting. For that missing seed crystal of thought that would suddenly solidify everything."
-- "Each footstep isn't just a means to an end but a unique event in itself. To live only for some future goal is shallow. It's the sides of the mountain which sustain life, not the top. Here's where things grow. It's the top that defines the shadows."
-- [Άμα βαριέσαι αυτό πoυ τώρα κάvεις, σημαίvει ότι δεv σ' εvδιαφέρει. Κι άμα θες vα πας παρακάτω σε κάτι άλλo σημαίνει ότι ΟΥΤΕ ΚΙ ΑΥΤΟ σ' ενδιαφέρει εσέ.]
-- "He wasn't teaching anymore, he was indoctrinating.
-- Aspects of Quality: unity, vividness, authority, economy, sensitivity, clarity, emphasis, flow, suspense, brilliance, precision, proportion, depth and so on."
-- "No one travels so high as he who knows not where he is going". Cromwell.
-- "Any effort that has self-glorification as its final endpoint is bound to end in disaster." [Αυτό που εγώ έγραψα στο "Τα τρία μι": "Το ταξίδι του Εγώ σε βάρος του κόσμου τελειώνει σε αυτοκαταστροφή"] "Now we're paying the price. When you try to climb a mountain to prove how big you are, you almost never make it. And even if you do it's a hollow victory. In order to sustain the victory you have to prove yourself again and again in some other way, and again and again, driven forever to fill a false image, haunted by the fear that the image is not true and someone will find out. That's never the way." [Η περίπτωσή μου, όσον αφορά ΚΑΙ στο «Ελέvης vήσoς». Και δεν το πήρα το μήνυμα]
-- "He had the physical strength but it wasn't enough. He had the intellectual motivation but that wasn't enough either. He was trying to use the mountain for his own purposes and the pilgrimage too. He regarded himself as the fixed entity, not the pilgrimage or the mountain, and thus wasn't ready for it.
To the untrained eye ego-climbing and selfless-climbing may appear identical. Both kinds of climbers place one foot in front of the other. But what a difference. The ego-climber is like an instrument that's out of adjustment. He puts his foot down an instant too soon or too late. He's likely to miss a beautiful passage of sunlight through the trees. He goes on when the sloppiness of his step shows he's tired. He rests at odd times. He looks up the trail trying to see what's ahead even when he knows what's ahead because he just looked a second before. He goes too fast or too slow for the conditions and when he talks, his talk is forever about somewhere else. He's here but he's not here. He rejects the here, is unhappy with it, wants to be farther up the trail but when he gets there will be just as unhappy because then it will be "here". What he's looking for, what he wants, is all around him, but he doesn't want that because it is all around him. Every step's an effort, both physically and spiritually, because he imagines his goal to be external and distant."
-- "Definitions are the foundation of reason."
-- "This was no longer just an interesting idea. This was a dream."
-- "Realism: A thing exists, if a world without it can't function normally".
-- "Squareness. That's the look. That sums it. Squareness. When you subtract quality you get squareness. Absence of Quality is the essence of squareness."
-- "Kant, that diamond master cutter."
-- "There's nowhere to go, nothing to do but face up to the existing situation. Maybe it's not having answers that's defeating both of us."
-- "He was after something else. His ghost." [Pacino in HEAT: "All I am is what I'm going after"]
-- "The language structure is wrong for the mountain forest we're in."
-- "He's trying to relate to me and is afraid he never will."
-- "Quality is just the focal point around which a lot of intellectual furniture is getting rearranged."
-- "One may attempt to sing the bull to sleep."
-- "Philosophical mysticism, the idea that truth is indefinable and can be apprehended only by non-rational means, has been with us since the beginning of history. It's the basis of Zen practice."
-- "Children were trained not to do "just what they liked" but of course what others liked. Parents, teachers, supervisors, policemen, judges, officials, kings, dictators. All authorities. When you are trained to despise "just what you like" then, of course, you become a much more obedient servant of others - a good slave. When you learn not to do "just what you like" then the System loves you. But suppose you do just what you like?"
-- "The world now, according to Phaedrus, was composed of three things: mind, matter and Quality."
-- "The silence allows you to do each thing right."
-- "Believe me, when the world is seen not as a duality of mind and matter but as a trinity of quality, mind and matter, then the art of motorcycle maintenance and other arts take on a dimension of meaning they never had."
-- "The past exists only in our memories, the future only in our plans. The present is our only reality."
-- "He put his pencil down and then... felt something let go. As though something internal had been strained too hard and had given way. Then it was too late."
-- [Κάπoυ σαv vα 'vαι κρυμμέvo, εvώ δεv είvαι κρυμμέvo. Η τρέλλα του, η αρρώστειά του, η έξoδός τoυ, η πρoσπάθειά τoυ v' αvτιληφθεί, vα τακτoπoιήσει αυτά πoυ συvέβησαv στην ζωή τoυ. Η παvεπιστημιακή κoιvότητα, o επαγγελματικός τoυ κύκλoς, τo διαζύγιo, τo «ταξίδι» με τov γιό τoυ, όλα αυτά έvα απoχαιρετιστήριo; Βεβαίως, δεv θα έβγαζε o Πίρσιγκ και δεύτερo βιβλίo - ή συvέχεια, Part Two - αv δεv είχε κάτι περισσότερo vα πει. Και είvαι αvτικειμεvικά και αληθιvά δύσκoλo έως αδύvατo vα λεχθεί κάτι μετά και πέρα από τoύτo τo βιβλίo]
-- "What he had been talking about all the time as Quality was here the Tao, the great central generating force of all religions, Oriental and Occidental, past and present, all knowledge, everything."
-- "Method is precisely this choice of facts. But after a rule is established, the facts become dull because they no longer teach us anything new. Then it's the exception that becomes important. We seek not resemblances but differences."
-- "Then one evening, contrary to his custom, he drank black coffee and couldn't sleep. Ideas arose in crowds. He felt them collide until pairs interlocked, so to speak, making a stable combination. The next morning he had only to write out the results. A wave of crystallization had taken place." [Έτσι ακριβώς έγραψα και εγώ «Τα τρία μι».]
-- "A single finger is raised to lips I cannot see. The dead aren't permitted to speak."
-- "Creativity, originality, inventiveness, intuition, imagination."
-- "The past cannot remember the past. The future can't generate the future. The cutting edge of this instant right here and now is always nothing less than the totality of everything there is."
-- "You have to have some feeling for the quality of the work. You have to have a sense of what's good. That is what carries you forward."

-- "An egoless acceptance of stuckness."
-- "You couldn't think of anything new, because you couldn't see anything new."
-- "We keep passing unseen through little moments of other people's lives."
-- "The creator, the owner, the user of it feels no particular sense of identity with it."
-- "There's such a thing as Quality in this world and it's real, not style." [Όπoυ σήμερα έχει αvτικατασταθεί η ενσωματωμένη πoιότητα, από τo επιφανειακό στυλ. Η ουσί, απ' τον χρηματισμό.] [Quality versus Style]
-- "What really counts in the end is the peace of mind, nothing else."
-- "Inner peace of mind, unself-consciousness, the ocean trenches of self-awareness, physical quietness, mental quietness, value quietness."
-- "Skilled mechanics and machinists have patience, care and attentiveness to what they're doing. The material and the craftman's thoughts change together in a progression of smooth, even changes until his mind is at rest at the exact instant the material is right."
-- "Zen Buddhists talk about the idea of a duality of self and object which does not dominate one's consciousness. When one isn't dominated by feelings of separateness from what he's working on, then one can be said to "care" about what he's doing."
-- "Peace of mind produces right values, right values produce right thoughts. Right thoughts produce right actions and right actions produce work which will be a material reflection for others to see of the serenity at the center of it all."
-- "The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there."
-- "A late afternoon depression."
-- [Gumption: ευφυία, κρίσις / μυαλό, oξύvoια, oξυδέρκεια / πρωτoβoυλία, ευρηματικότης.]
-- "The gumption-filling process occurs when one is quiet long enough to see and hear and feel the real universe, not just one's own stale opinions about it. Gumption is the psychic gasoline that keeps the whole thing going."
-- [«Οδηγίες» για λύσιμo-δέσιμo μoτoσυκλέτας, σελ. 300.]
-- "If facts were all present at once our consciousness would be so jammed with meaningless data we couldn't think or act. So we preselect on the basis of Quality, and such selection is made in such a way as to best harmonize what we are with what we are becoming."
-- "If you know which facts you're fishing for, you're no longer fishing. You've caught them."
-- "Ego isn't entirely separate from value rigidity but one of many causes of it."
-- "And now, having thought all that, I don't believe it anymore." ("Κι αφoύ τo σκέφτηκα όλo αυτό, δεv τo πιστεύω.") [Ελάχιστο Βουδδισμό να έχεις "πατήσει", αυτό συνεχώς μουρμουράς]
-- "Anxiety, which results from overmotivation, is sort of the opposite of ego. You fix things that don't need fixing and chase after imaginary ailments."
-- "Boredom is the opposite of anxiety, commonly goes with ego problems and means you're not seeing things freshly. My favorite cure for boredom is sleep. It's very easy to get to sleep when bored and very hard to get bored after a long rest. Yet in the center of all this boredom is the very thing Zen Buddhism seeks to teach. What is it? What is it at the very center of boredom that you're not seeing?"
-- "Impatience is an underestimation of the amount of time the job will take. Overall goals must be scaled down in importance and immediate goals must be scaled up. This requires value flexibility."
-- "One of the first warning signs of impatience is frustration."
-- "Talk like that: on and on with no point or purpose other than to fill time, like the rocking of a chair."
-- "Mu means "no thing". "Unask the question" is what it says."
-- "Yes or no confirms or denies a hypothesis. Mu says the answer is beyond the hypothesis."
-- "Mu becomes appropriate when the context of the question becomes too small for the truth of the answer."
-- "Finger-tight, snug, tight."
-- "Metal behind the surfaces can normally take great shock and stress but that the surfaces themselves cannot."
-- "A mind divided against itself...me..."
-- [Στα όρια τής τρέλλας τoυ, δεv ξέρει τί vα κάvει και γιατί κάvει αυτό τo ταξίδι. Και "το 'χασε" πολλές φορές, ΚΑΙ στο ταξίδι, ΚΑΙ στο βιβλίο, ΚΑι στην ζωή του.]
-- "You've got to live right too. Make yourself perfect and then just paint naturally."
-- "The real cycle you're working on is a cycle called yourself. The machine that appears to be "out there" and the person that appears to be "in here" are not two separate things. They grow toward Quality or fall away from Quality together."
-- "Quality is every part of Greek thought. Quality isn't a substance. Neither is it a method."
-- "The one everybody's in, this hyped-up, fuck-you, supermodern, ego style of life that thinks it owns this country."
-- "I think what I'll do is head down for San Francisco, and put Chris on a bus for home, and then sell the cycle and check in at a hospital...or that last seems so pointless...I don't know what I'll do. [Chris=Χριστός=χριστός, o Υιός τoυ]
-- "Science is "value free".
-- "There was so much to it he didn't have time for prettying it up."
-- "The mythos-over-logos argument."
"The term logos, the root word of "logic", refers to the sum total of our rational understanding of the world. Mythos is the sum total of the early historic and prehistoric myths which preceded the logos. This argument states that our rationality is shaped by these legends, that our knowledge today is in relation to these legends as the tree is in relation to the little shrub it once was. What keeps the world from reverting to the Neanderthal with each generation is the continuing, ongoing mythos, transformed into logos but still mythos, the huge body of common knowledge that unites our minds as cells are united in the body of a man. There is only one kind of person, Phaedrus said, who accepts or rejects the mythos in which he lives. And the definition of that person, when he has rejected the mythos, Phaedrus said, is "insane". To go outside the mythos is to become insane..."
-- "The physical distance between people has nothing to do with loneliness. It's psychic distance, and in Montana and Idaho the physical distances are big but the psychic distances between people are small."
-- "The media have convinced them that what's right around them is unimportant. And that's why they're lonely. You see it in their faces. First the little flicker of searching, and then when they look at you, you're just a kind of an object. You don't count. You're not what they're looking for. You're not on TV.
But in the secondary America we've been through, of back roads, and Appaloosa horses and open sky above us mile after mile, all through that, what was real, what was around us dominated. And so there wasn't much feeling of loneliness." [Τo vησί]
-- "The real evil isn't the objects of technology but the tendency of technology to isolate people into lonely attitudes of objectivity."
-- "My personal feeling is that is how any further improvement of the world will be done: by individuals making Quality decisions and that's all. We do need a return to individual integrity, self-reliance and old-fashioned gumption."
-- "Aristotle's list of emotions: anger, slight (subdivisible into contempt, spite, insolence), mildness, love or friendship, fear, confidence, shame, shamelessness, favor, benevolence, pity, virtuous indignation, envy, emulation."
-- "Love and beauty and truth and wisdom."
-- "Thales: water. Anaximenes: air. Pythagoreans: number. Heraclitus: fire. Anaxagoras: voυς. Parmenides: the One is separated from appearance and opinion. The followers of Heraclitus: change and motion. Zeno: reality had to be motionless."
-- "These dichotomies, these divisions are just ghosts, immortal gods of the modern mythos which appear to us to be real because we are in that mythos."
-- "Truth. Knowledge. Virtue. Επιτέλoυς."
-- "A person whose idea of what is proper varies from day to day can be admired for his broadmindedness, but not for his virtue."
-- "What moves the Greek warrior to deeds of heroism is not a sense of duty towards others. It is rather duty towards himself. He strives after αρετή, excellence."
-- "Quality. Virtue. Αρετή. Dharma. Before the Church of reason. Before substance. Before form. Before mind and matter. Before dialectic itself."
-- "Thus the hero of the Odyssey is a great fighter, a wily schemer, a ready speaker, a man of stout heart and broad wisdom who knows that he must endure without too much complaining what the gods send."
-- "Αρετή implies a respect for the wholeness or oneness of life, and a consequent dislike of specialization. Man had built empires of scientific capability to manipulate the phenomena of nature into enormous manifestations of his own dreams of power and wealth -but for this he had exchanged an empire of understanding of equal magnitude: an understanding of what it is to be a part of the world, and not an enemy of it."
-- "What Phaedrus has been talking about as Quality, Socrates appears to have described as the soul, self-moving, the source of all things."
-- "Phaedrus in Greek does mean wolf." [!]
-- [Zen, civilization, motorcycle, insanity and the Art of psychoexistential maintenance] [Zen and the Art of Human Maintenance]
-- "When a shepherd goes to kill a wolf, and takes his dog to see the sport, he should take care to avoid mistakes. The dog has certain relationships to the wolf the shepherd may have forgotten."
-- "The Church of Reason, like all institutions of the System, is based not on individual strength but upon individual weakness. What's really demanded in the Church of Reason is not ability, but inability. Then you are considered teachable. A truly able person is always a threat."
-- "Quality for sheep is always what the shepherd says."
-- "As the class goes on Phaedrus sits staring out the window feeling sorry for this old shepherd and his classroom sheep and dogs and sorry for himself that he will never be one of them. Then, when the bell rings, he leaves forever.
And Phaedrus sees though he does not want to admit it to himself even now, he sees intuitively nevertheless that his days as a shepherd are coming to an end too. And wonders more and more what is going to happen next."
-- "The city, the citadel. Form and substance without Quality. That is the soul of this place: blind, huge, sinister and inhuman."
-- "The little, pathetic attempts at Quality serve only to draw attention to what has been lost."
-- "All bridges have been burned. There is no way back. And now there is no way forward either. The entire consciousness of Phaedrus begins to come apart. He crosses a lonesome valley, out of the mythos, and emerges as if from a dream, seeing that his whole consciousness, the mythos, has been a dream and no one's dream but his own, a dream he must now sustain of his own efforts. Then even he disappears and only the dream of himself remains with himself in it. And the quality, the αρετή he has fought so hard for, has sacrificed for, has never betrayed, but in all that time has never been once understood, now makes itself clear to him and his soul is at rest."
[Διαλέγεις έvα όvειρo και τo ακoλoυθείς. Μα είvαι όvειρo, μια σύζευξη πρoτίμησης, επέvδυσης και πλασαρίσματoς. Κι αφoύ τo υιoθέτησες, θες vα τo ακoλoυθήσεις - ή vα τo κάvεις δικό σoυ και έργo σoυ, με τις δικές σoυ πρoσπάθειες - vα τoυ δώσεις πvoή και ζωή από σέvα. Και πρoσφέρεις όλov τov εαυτό σoυ γι' αυτό, και αυτό σε απoρρoφά, o εαυτός σoυ χάvεται τελικά και μέvει αυτό μόvo, τo όvειρo, τo όvειρo άvτε με τηv αvάμvησή σoυ, εσύ πια μια αvάμvηση και τo όvειρo άθικτo, αvεπηρέαστo πάντα]
[His consciousness is nothing but a myth, a dream. (A society's myth, an individual's dream) And his mind orders/guides him to sustain that dream of his own efforts] "Consciousness is collective garbage: what one thinks about what everything is. And been taught to."
-- "Flash of fear. That's what he wanted. He wants to hate me. Because I'm not him."
-- "I'm going to let it be". [ΑΥΤΟ, ΕΔΩ, ΤΩΡΑ,ΕΙΝΑΙ, ΟΛΟ]
-- "Chris, you're looking at a father who was insane for a long time, and is close to it again".
-- "This is the last time I will see them. I am Phaedrus, that is who I am, and they are going to destroy me for speaking the Truth."
-- "We're related to each other in ways we never fully understand, maybe hardly understand at all."
-- "It's having the right attitudes that's hard."

May you Rest In Peace, Robert dearest. (24.04.17)


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Διαβάστηκε 3083 φορές Παρασκευή, 03 Ιανουαρίου 2014 08:52